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We build and renovate houses here - with passion and common sense!

Ključne besede:

Pasivna hiša; sNES; Zrakotesnost; Eko sklad; Blower door; PHPP; DesignPH; Passivhaus, Montažne hiše; Zidane hiše; Stanovanjske hiše; PURES-3; energetska učinkovitost, trajnostna gradnje, LCA, Prezračevanje; Udobno bivanje; Ekologija; Ekonomika; Gradbeni nadzor; Arhitektura

We optimize the planned implementation, prepare a complete "EKO FUND" application and monitor the implementation until the subsidy is paid out!
You can prove the quality of your new or renovated house with the Passivhaus Institute plaque. We prepare all the necessary documentation on your behalf.
We are members of the international Passive House association
Peter Golob inž. gr.: "Ekološke pasivne in nizkoenergetske hiše gradim od leta 2000. Sem avtor prve slovenske pasivne montažne hiše in PHI certificiran svetovalec od leta 2009".
EKO SKLAD vertikalni color
EnerPHit certificate for comprehensive energy renovation of the building
International Passive House Association
Certified designer for passive houses
We optimize the planned implementation, prepare a complete "EKO FUND" application and monitor the implementation until the subsidy is paid out!
You can prove the quality of your new or renovated house with the Passivhaus Institute plaque. We prepare all the necessary documentation on your behalf.
We are members of the international Passive House association
References - extended list...

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